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Enhance your formulation development with Pion Predictor and the Rainbow R6

We believe that combining sophisticated in vitro assays with a powerful mechanistic modeling approach leads to a more efficient formulation development process. That is why we at Pion aim to put easy to use predictive tools into the hands of formulators. Predictor is a versatile data analysis and modeling tool that can take concentration versus time profiles from Pion’s AuPRO software and produce in vivo absorption rate predictions to support formulation development, in addition to enabling the quick and simple assessment of various drug properties, such as dissolution rates, solubility and flux.


Discover the Two Powerful Modules of Predictor Software

  • The Predictor Data Module is the core module of Predictor, which makes data handling, curve fitting, parameter calculation and result reporting fast and easy.
  • The Fraction absorbed module of Predictor will help you to understand where to target formulation improvements through the mechanistic modeling of absorption based on in vitro flux assays!

Advanced dissolution and flux data analysis and reporting made easy: The Predictor Data module

Learn about how to combine, analyze and report dissolution and flux assay data with Pion PredictorTM



Analyze dissolution-supersaturation-precipitation kinetics

  • Calculate dissolution rate and IDR including particle size estimation with one-click curve fitting
  • Analyze supersaturation level and duration, induction time, and precipitation kinetics
  • Report individual values and dataset averages with statistics automatically

Combine, analyze and average dissolution and flux datasets in seconds

  • Create comprehensive reports fast and easy
  • Include or exclude datapoints, change display units for each parameter independently
  • Simple to use data processing and view controls
  • Combine and refine large sets of data from multiple AuPRO 7 or AuPRO 6 datafiles together

Compare formulations and predict bioequivalence

  • Calculate Flux at 3 different sections of the acceptor profile
  • Calculate Area Under the Curve results
  • Use flux and AUC data directly to rank-order formulations and estimate bioequivalence 


Apply in vitro flux with Predictor to understand where to target formulation improvements: The FA module

Learn about how to take flux data further with Pion PredictorTM

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The modelling approach was validated with 18 commercial drug products and 17 APIs

Predictor modeling approach has been tested on well-known APIs and on commercial formulations as well. Drug products include Sporanox, Micardis, Januvia, Abilify and Celecox, while APIs include ketoprofen, propranolol, piroxicam, antipyrine among others.

Don’t stop at rank-ordering formulation performance

Beyond in vivo absorption rate prediction, Predictor links flux measurements to the biopharmaceutical classification system (BCS) and fraction absorbed classification (FaCS) system. Using no additional input data beyond measurements obtainable using Pion flux apparatus and the rainbow R6, Predictor obtain exploratory predictions of the rate-limiting step to oral absorption of a drug for pure APIs or formulations (FaRLS).

Better understand oral in vivo limitations using flux with PredictorTM

Predictor derives the dose, dissolution and permeability numbers from flux assay results and visualize on a 3D graph how the absorbed fraction of a dose can change with respect to solubility, dissolution performance, or permeability. Predictor provides critical input to understand where to target formulation improvements.

Contact Us Today

Contact us today to learn more about Predictor and how it calculates various dissolution related parameters like IDR or precipitation kinetics and provide an in vivo absorption rate prediction with fraction absorbed rate limiting step determination.